So at the start of this course we were informed we had three two week assignments to do. All based on the Human Form

Here are some images from my first brief-Image
We looked into Rankin's Destroy project. I was so inspired by it I didnt really have any issues coming up with ideas for destroying my images
Lauren's lovely eyes that i have warped slightly.
I made this peice after looking at Mark Powells work. This piece has so much meaning to me, because it shows how I used to feel as a child when I moved around a lot. In one of Mark Powell's Projects I looked at, he took photos of people when he was on a train or bus, and then drew them onto old envelopes. I loved this and decided to create my own digital peice. 
This was my digital version of Maurizio Anzeri's work. Anzeri buys vitage/old photograohs and stitches on top of them. He covers peoples faces in stitch but he always leaves one eye un -stiched so that not all identity was lost. I absolutely loved creating this because i love to find ways of making my photos look slightly abstract or even getting more of a point across

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    My name is Caitlin Walters.
    I'm currently a student at Gower College Swansea, studying Foundation Art and Design.
    And of course I am inspired by my friends family and daily life 


    October 2012